Cookies policy



Before you start browsing this website, we would like to inform you that we use cookies for different purposes on the website, so that you can decide whether or not you would like them to be installed on your device.

If you continue to browse, JAMONES DURIBER SL infers that you accept installation of the cookies, granting your consent to install them on your device.


What are cookies?

Cookies are small information files that are sent and stored on the device used to access the website (PC or personal computer, mobile phone, tablet or connected television), making it easier to use said website and offering better service.

The website uses both its own and third-party cookies, which help us to improve quality by comparing, recording, controlling and understanding how our users browse the website, identifying what they find to be useful or not. This information enables us to improve the browsing process.

The cookies that the website uses do not harm your device. They only act to improve the services offered. Some of them are strictly necessary for the page to work properly (technical and customisation cookies), while other cookies improve performance and user experience (analysis, advertising and behavioural advertising).

The website uses both temporary session cookies and permanent cookies. Session cookies store data while the user is using the website, and they expire when the session ends, while permanent cookies store data on the device that can be accessed and used for more than session. Permanent cookies normally expire after a certain period of time, which may be anywhere between two weeks and two years.


Deactivating cookies

You have the option of allowing, blocking or deleting the cookies installed on your device through your browser settings. When you disable cookies, some of the available services may cease to be operative. The method for disabling cookies is different for each browser, but it can normally be done from the Tools or Options menu. You can also check the browser’s Help menu, where you can find instructions. You may select which cookies you want to work on this website at any time, through: your browser settings; for example:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Opera


Types of cookies

Depending on the reason for processing the data obtained by the cookies, the website may use:

  • Technical Cookies: these cookies allow the user to browse a web page, platform or application and use the different options or services there, such as controlling data communication and traffic, session ID or accessing restricted-access areas.
  • Customisation Cookies: these cookies allow the user to access the service with certain features that are generally pre-defined, based on a series of criteria on the user’s device, such as the language or browser type.
  • Analysis cookies: these cookies provide for monitoring and analysing user behaviour on the websites to which they are related. Information collected through this type of cookie is used to measure activity on the websites, application or platform, and to make user browsing profiles.
  • Advertising cookies: these cookies manage advertising space in the most effective way possible.
  • Behavioural advertising cookies: these cookies store information on user behaviour, obtained by constantly observing their browsing habits, in order to develop a specific profile to show advertising accordingly. The user can request for their data not to be used for advertising purposes by visiting IAB Spain. You will continue to see adverts, but they will not be based on your specific interests.
  • External social media cookies: these allow visitors to interact with the content of different social media platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) and are only generated for users of these platforms. The terms for using these cookies and the information collected are regulated by the privacy policy of the social media platform in question.

The following types of cookies are currently used on the WEBSITE:



Technical CookiesThese cookies manage proper browsing of the website and its content, identifying user sessions and protecting use.N/A
Customisation CookiesThese cookies improve user experience, storing customised variables such as language or browsing preferences.N/A


Analysis cookiesGoogle Analytics
The website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a company from Delaware with head offices at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, USA («Google»). The information generated by the cookie on your use of the website (including your IP address) will be directly sent and stored by Google in its servers in the United States. Google will use this information on behalf of JAMONES DURIBER SL to track your use of the website, compile activity reports and provide other services related to Internet activity and use. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.
The website uses the browsing analytics service of Roxr Software, Ltd, with head offices in Portland, Oregon, USA, which provides detailed information on users’ activity on the JAMONES DURIBER SL website, so we can see what works and what needs to be improved.
Advertising cookiesGoogle AdWords / DoubleclickAlso a Google service. In this case, it helps us understand the performance of the marketing campaigns used by JAMONES DURIBER SL via this platform by analysing the behaviour of users who access the website via said campaigns.
CBehavioural advertising cookiesGoogle:
Third-party cookie that gathers browsing data and information on interaction with the website, with the purpose of analysing users’ behaviour, so as to customise our marketing campaigns in line withtheir preferences.
Third-party cookie that gathers browsing data and information on interaction with the website, with the purpose of analysing users’ behaviour, so as to customise our marketing campaigns in line with their preferences.
Third-party cookie that gathers browsing data and information on interaction with the website, with the purpose of analysing users’ behaviour, so as to customise our marketing campaigns in line with their preferences.
Third-party cookie that gathers browsing data and information on interaction with the website, with the purpose of analysing users’ behaviour, so as to customise our marketing campaigns in line with their preferences.
Third-party cookie that gathers browsing data and information on interaction with the website, with the purpose of analysing users’ behaviour, so as to customise our marketing campaigns in line with their preferences.
 AolThird-party cookie that gathers browsing data and information on interaction with the website, with the purpose of analysing users’ behaviour, so as to customise our marketing campaigns in line with their preferences.
 AdobeThird-party cookie that gathers browsing data and information on interaction with the website, with the purpose of analysing users’ behaviour, so as to customise our marketing campaigns in line with their preferences.
 Oracle Blukai
Third-party cookie that gathers browsing data and information on interaction with the website, with the purpose of analysing users’ behaviour, so as to customise our marketing campaigns in line with their preferences.
External Social Media CookiesYouTubeYouTube provides buttons and other functions so you can share links to our website. Information sent to YouTube from outside the EU is used by Google Plus as per its privacy policy.
 InstagramInstagram provides buttons and other functions so you can share links to our website on your profile. Information sent to Instagram from outside the EU on the web pages you visited, or on things that interest you, is used by Instagram as per its privacy policies.
 FacebookFacebook provides buttons and other functions so you can share links to our website on your profile. Information sent to Facebook from outside the EU on the web pages you visited, or on things that interest you, is used by Facebook as per its privacy policies.
 TwitterTwitter provides buttons and other functions so you can share links to our website. Information sent to Twitter from outside the EU is used by Google Plus as per its privacy policy.
 LinkedInSlack provides buttons and other functions so you can share links to our website. The information is used by Slack in accordance with its privacy and cookies policies.




Cookies TécnicasGestionan la correcta navegación a través de la Web y sus contenidos, permitiendo identificar las sesiones de usuario y proteger su uso.N/A
Cookies de PersonalizaciónPermiten mejorar la experiencia del usuario almacenando variables personalizadas como el idioma o las preferencias en la navegación.N/A


Cookies de AnálisisGoogle Analytics
La Web utiliza Google Analytics, un servicio analítico de Web prestado por Google, Inc., una compañía de Delaware cuya oficina principal está en 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, Estados Unidos («Google»). La información que genera la cookie acerca de su uso de la Web (incluyendo su dirección IP) será directamente transmitida y archivada por Google en los servidores de Estados Unidos. Google usará esta información por cuenta de JAMONES DURIBER SL con el propósito de seguir la pista de su uso de la Web, recopilando informes de actividad y prestando otros servicios relacionados con la actividad y el uso de Internet. Google no asociará su dirección IP con ningún otro dato del que disponga Google.
La Web utiliza el servicio de análisis de navegación de la compañía Roxr Software, Ltd domiciliada en Portland, Oregón, EE.UU. que permite conocer en detalle como los usuarios hacen uso del sitio de JAMONES DURIBER SL para encontrar lo que está funcionando y lo que necesita mejorar.
Cookies PublicitariasGoogle AdWords / DoubleclickTambién un servicio de Google. En este caso nos permite entender mejor el rendimiento de las acciones publicitarias de JAMONES DURIBER SL a través de esta plataforma analizando el comportamiento de los usuarios que acceden a la web a través de dichas campañas.
Cookies de publicidad comportamentalGoogle:
Cookies de terceros que recopilan datos de navegación e información sobre la interacción con la Web con el fin de analizar el comportamiento de los usuarios permitiéndonos la personalización de las campañas publicitarias en función de las preferencias de los usuarios.
Cookies de terceros que recopilan datos de navegación e información sobre la interacción con la Web con el fin de analizar el comportamiento de los usuarios permitiéndonos la personalización de las campañas publicitarias en función de las preferencias de los usuarios.
Cookies de terceros que recopilan datos de navegación e información sobre la interacción con la Web con el fin de analizar el comportamiento de los usuarios permitiéndonos la personalización de las campañas publicitarias en función de las preferencias de los usuarios.
Cookies de terceros que recopilan datos de navegación e información sobre la interacción con la Web con el fin de analizar el comportamiento de los usuarios permitiéndonos la personalización de las campañas publicitarias en función de las preferencias de los usuarios.
Cookies de terceros que recopilan datos de navegación e información sobre la interacción con la Web con el fin de analizar el comportamiento de los usuarios permitiéndonos la personalización de las campañas publicitarias en función de las preferencias de los usuarios.
 AolCookies de terceros que recopilan datos de navegación e información sobre la interacción con la Web con el fin de analizar el comportamiento de los usuarios permitiéndonos la personalización de las campañas publicitarias en función de las preferencias de los usuarios.
 AdobeCookies de terceros que recopilan datos de navegación e información sobre la interacción con la Web con el fin de analizar el comportamiento de los usuarios permitiéndonos la personalización de las campañas publicitarias en función de las preferencias de los usuarios.
 Oracle Blukai
Cookies de terceros que recopilan datos de navegación e información sobre la interacción con la Web con el fin de analizar el comportamiento de los usuarios permitiéndonos la personalización de las campañas publicitarias en función de las preferencias de los usuarios.
Cookies de Redes Sociales ExternasYouTubeYouTube proporciona botones y otras funcionalidades para que puedas compartir enlaces a nuestra web. La información enviada fuera de la UE a YouTube, son utilizadas por YouTube conforme sus políticas de privacidad.
 InstagramInstagram proporciona botones y otras funcionalidades para que puedas compartir enlaces a nuestra web en tu perfil. La información enviada fuera de la UE a Instagram, relativa a las páginas que has visitado o sobre las cosas que te interesan, son utilizadas por Instagram conforme sus políticas de privacidad.
 FacebookFacebook proporciona botones y otras funcionalidades para que puedas compartir enlaces a nuestra web en tu perfil. La información enviada fuera de la UE a Facebook, relativa a las páginas que has visitado o sobre las cosas que te interesan, son utilizadas por Facebook conforme sus políticas de privacidad.
 TwitterTwitter proporciona botones y otras funcionalidades para que puedas compartir enlaces a nuestra web. La información enviada fuera de la UE a Twitter, son utilizadas por Twitter conforme sus políticas de privacidad.
 LinkedInSlack proporciona botones y otras funcionalidades para que puedas compartir enlaces a nuestra web. La información es utilizada por Slack conforme sus políticas de privacidad y de cookies.

